Blacktown & Oran Park
(02) 8678 3110
Windsor, South Windsor & North Richmond
We use our shoulders for absolutely everything. Simple everyday things like washing and brushing your hair or tucking your shirt in can become such an inconvenience in the presence of shoulder pain. Anyone who plays overhead sports such as tennis, baseball, swimming or some gym related activities or has an occupation such as an electrician or painter is at greater risk of shoulder injuries.
Don't let a little niggle or sharp shoulder pain stop you from living your life, we’re here to help! Treatment is readily available at one of our conveniently located Gold Standard Physiotherapy clinics without the need for fancy and expensive exercise equipment.
Common shoulder injuries we see are:
- Rotator cuff tears
- Rotator cuff tendonitis
- AC joint injuries
- Fractured collarbones
- Dislocated shoulders
- Shoulder impingement
- Labral/Cartilage tears
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
Did you know, lower back is the most common type of injury experienced all over the world? Did you know 80% of all of us will have experienced lower back pain at some point of time in our lives. Not only is it the most common injury, it is also the most common recurring injury. At Gold Standard Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine we know how to not only sort out your back pain but also keep it away! A comprehensive rehabilitation program focusing strengthening your core, glute and lower back muscles is always a far more effective approach than a ‘band-aid’ type treatment which leads to re-currences of lower back pain.
Additional aids that can be used to provide temporary relief from your back pain include lumbar spine support belts, foam rollers, D roll and spiky balls. (make hyperlink for each back to the products page)
Common lower back pain conditions treated:
- Muscle strains
- Sciatica
- Scoliosis
- Pinched nerves
- Disc Bulges
- Facet joint sprains
- Spondylolisthesis
- Stress fractures
Elbow, wrist and hand injuries generally, but not always, arise from overuse. Given the fine nature of the structures in all of these joints that are highly succeptible to injury.
Our team of dedicated physios can quite easily handle your elbow, wrist and hand injuries and provide you with the best advice and treatment to relieve pain, restore strength and function if you’re suffering from any of these injuries.
Items like tennis elbow, wrist and thumb braces and gutter splints might all be used to compliment your rehab. (hyperlink to products page)
Conditions of the elbow, wrist and hand we commonly treat include:
Tennis elbow
Biceps tendonitis
Golfers elbow
Elbow ligament tears
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Dequervains tenosynovitis
Mallet finger
Nerve entrapments
Intersection syndrome
Thumb osteoarthritis
TFCC tears
The foot and ankle consist of so many tiny joints and ligaments which is why they need to be treated with the utmost care. Many people would also agree that theyre severely prone to recurrence, especially if they aren’t attended to early on (when it feels like there’s just a niggle there!) or if rehab programs are left half finished!
Our physios will be able to confidently assess and diagnose your foot or ankle injury as well as put together an efficient and individualized rehab program for you whether your goal is to be able to walk pain free or train with your team.
Additional aids can be used to treat foot and ankle injuries as well as traditional physiotherapy (have link to separate page from products section for orthotics, heel cups, rigid tape and ankle braces)
Common foot and ankle conditions we treat include:
- Rolled/sprained ankle
- Torn ankle ligaments
- Foot and ankle fractures
- Shin splints
- Achilles tendonitis and ruptures
- Stress fractures
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Ankle/heel bursitis
- Toe injuries
- Syndemosis tears
- Anterior and posterior ankle impingement
*No doctors referral needed ! (add in to every section)*****
**Pictures of ankle braces on someones foot or somebody exercising on a wobble board

We use our shoulders for absolutely everything. Simple everyday things like washing and brushing your hair or tucking your shirt in can become such an inconvenience in the presence of shoulder pain. Anyone who plays overhead sports such as tennis, baseball, swimming or some gym related activities or has an occupation such as an electrician or painter is at greater risk of shoulder injuries.
Don't let a little niggle or sharp shoulder pain stop you from living your life, we’re here to help! Treatment is readily available at one of our conveniently located Gold Standard Physiotherapy clinics without the need for fancy and expensive exercise equipment.
Common shoulder injuries we see are:
- Rotator cuff tears
- Rotator cuff tendonitis
- AC joint injuries
- Fractured collarbones
- Dislocated shoulders
- Shoulder impingement
- Labral/Cartilage tears
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
*No doctors referral needed
If you’ve got a neck, you’ve probably had neck pain!
We’ve helped thousands of patients suffering from neck pain which can often be quite debilitating or simply just an inconvenience. It is commonly experienced by, but not limited to office or desk workers or those sustaining hunched forward postures for extended periods of time. The neck region comprises many layers of intricate muscles and nerves making it one of the most sensitive areas of your body. Our physios will work with you and guide you through the rehab process to relieve your neck pain, restore your range of motion and get you feeling 100%. Neck rehab involves restoring the flexibility of the muscles, range of motion in the joints of your neck, as well as re-activating the intricate muscles in the front and back of your neck. Once we have a neck injury these tiny muscles in the front and back of the neck will tend to ‘switch off’ or not work effectively rendering you susceptible to ongoing neck injuries down the track.
This highlights the importance of following through with the specific rehab exercises we can give you to make sure your neck pain goes away and stays away.
Common neck injuries we treat include:
- Pinched nerves
- Disc bulges
- Sprained joints
- Wry neck
- Muscle strains
- Cervicogenic headaches
*No doctors referral needed
Whether they’re from overuse or direct trauma, we’ve got you covered!
Common conditions:
- Intercostal muscle strain
- Intercostal cartilage damage
- Stress fractures
- Costovertebral joint sprains
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
*No doctors referral needed
Did you know, lower back is the most common type of injury experienced all over the world? Did you know 80% of all of us will have experienced lower back pain at some point of time in our lives. Not only is it the most common injury, it is also the most common recurring injury. At Gold Standard Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine we know how to not only sort out your back pain but also keep it away! A comprehensive rehabilitation program focusing strengthening your core, glute and lower back muscles is always a far more effective approach than a ‘band-aid’ type treatment which leads to re-currences of lower back pain.
Additional aids that can be used to provide temporary relief from your back pain include lumbar spine support belts, foam rollers, D roll and spiky balls.
Common lower back pain conditions treated:
- Muscle strains
- Sciatica
- Scoliosis
- Pinched nerves
- Disc Bulges
- Facet joint sprains
- Spondylolisthesis
- Stress fractures
*No doctors referral needed
Elbow, wrist and hand injuries generally, but not always, arise from overuse. Given the fine nature of the structures in all of these joints that are highly succeptible to injury.
Our team of dedicated physios can quite easily handle your elbow, wrist and hand injuries and provide you with the best advice and treatment to relieve pain, restore strength and function if you’re suffering from any of these injuries.
Items like tennis elbow, wrist and thumb braces and gutter splints might all be used to compliment your rehab.
Conditions of the elbow, wrist and hand we commonly treat include:
- Tennis elbow
- Biceps tendonitis
- Fractures
- Golfers elbow
- Elbow ligament tears
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- De Quervains tenosynovitis
- Mallet finger
- Nerve entrapments
- Intersection syndrome
- Thumb osteoarthritis
- TFCC tears
*No doctors referral needed
The thing about hip pain is, anyone can get it. Whether you’re young or old, there are structures within the hip that can become damaged or injured through playing sport, overuse or simply because you’ve been sitting at your desk for too long.
In today’s society many of us are quite sedentary and don’t move enough leaving us open to a number of hip injuries. However the hips are the centre point of your body, responsible for producing and contributing to many movements in the upper or lower body making them super important to look after.
Obtaining the right diagnosis at the right time can save you a lot of time and money.
Common hip injuries we see include:
- Hip osteoarthritis
- Hip bursitis
- Hip flexor and adductor tears
- Glute & adductor tendonitis
- Snapping or clicking hips
- Hip impingement
- Labral tear
- Osteitis Pubis
- Femoral stress fractures
- Pelvic and femoral fractures
- Hip dysplasia
- Nerve-related injuries
- Piriformis syndrome
*No doctors referral needed
Knee pain can be one of those injuries that happen during an accident in the backyard or the sporting field or easily sneak up on you by starting out as a little niggle then turning into something much worse.
There are so many structures within the knee joint alone that require expert diagnosis to get you on the road to recovery much sooner. Some of which may end up requiring surgery.
Let us help you to find out the right diagnosis so that you get the right advice and the right treatment to simply reduce your pain or return you back to the sporting field.
Common knee conditions treated:
- ACL & medial ligament tears
- PCL and lateral ligament tears
- Posterolateral corner injuries
- Meniscus tears
- Osteoarthritis
- Bursitis
- Tendonitis
- Quadriceps and hamstring muscle tears
- Fat pad syndrome
- Stress fractures
- Knee fractures
*No doctors referral needed
The foot and ankle consist of so many tiny joints and ligaments which is why they need to be treated with the utmost care. Many people would also agree that theyre severely prone to recurrence, especially if they aren’t attended to early on (when it feels like there’s just a niggle there!) or if rehab programs are left half finished!
Our physios will be able to confidently assess and diagnose your foot or ankle injury as well as put together an efficient and individualized rehab program for you whether your goal is to be able to walk pain free or train with your team.
Additional aids can be used to treat foot and ankle injuries as well as traditional physiotherapy (have link to separate page from products section for orthotics, heel cups, rigid tape and ankle braces)
Common foot and ankle conditions we treat include:
- Rolled/sprained ankle
- Torn ankle ligaments
- Foot and ankle fractures
- Shin splints
- Achilles tendonitis and ruptures
- Stress fractures
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Ankle/heel bursitis
- Toe injuries
- Syndemosis tears
- Anterior and posterior ankle impingement
*No doctors referral needed