Blacktown & Oran Park
(02) 8678 3110
Windsor, South Windsor & North Richmond

musculoskeletal physiotherapy
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy involves the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of movement-related dysfunctions and disorders that often result in pain. It has been the mainstay of treatment for injuries involving muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and joints for a huge amount of time.
We’ll arm you with everything you need to know about your injury from what the problem is, how and why it’s happened, what needs to be done, how long it’ll take to fix it and most importantly, how to keep it away.
Common treatment techniques we find effective in treating musculoskeletal injuries include:
Soft tissue massage
Joint mobilizations and traction
Range of motion, stretching and strengthening exercises
Taping (postural and supportive)
Advice and education as to technique and activity modification
Other services we can use to compliment treatment include:
Cam/Walker boots
Casting and bracing for the management of fractures
Our physios are dedicated to your recovery and have successfully treated thousands of patients with musculoskeletal-based injuries.
For more information on the injuries we treat click here
*No doctors referral needed
If you have a musculoskeletal injury, give us a call on 8678 3110 (Blacktown) or 4577 7066 (South Windsor) to book your appointment today!
Sports Physiotherapy is a specialist field requiring a specific skill set to assess, diagnose and develop treatment plans for sports-specific injuries. Our physio’s have extensive knowledge in managing sports related injuries and you can be confident we will return you back to the field quickly and safely! We have worked in a huge number of different sports from grass roots all the way up to the elite sporting level in the A-League.
We know how important it is to develop rapport with our athletes and view them as a person rather than just as an injury. Given this, we start off our relationship with our athletes with a comprehensive examination so that we can build a solid foundation of how our athlete’s bodies function as well as gain an in-depth understanding of what the injury means for them so we can then tailor their rehab program accordingly. The context of your sport as well as the level of sport your play is always taken into consideration.
Time is of the essence when dealing with sports injuries. It’s highly recommended you seek advice straight away if you’ve had a mishap on the sporting field or are simply experiencing a little niggle that just won’t go away.
Our philosophy of rehabbing sports injuries encompasses the following 4 aspects:
Reduce the risk of preventable injuries e.g. Joint sprains, muscle strains and overuse injuries
Return athletes back to their desired sport quickly and safely
Minimise the rate of injury recurrence
Improve the performance of athletes in their chosen sport
Assessments of sports injuries will include a combination of palpation, range of motion, muscle flexibility, special tests as well as biomechanical & movement based tests.
Techniques we use for the management and treatment of sports injuries are primarily hands-on and exercise-based. They may range from sports massage, joint mobilizations, stretching and strengthening exercises, dry needling, taping/strapping, technique modification as well as education and advice regarding modification to training sessions, training volumes and when it’s safe to return to play. Exercises may focus on stretching a tight muscle, strengthening a weak muscle, increasing the motor control of a muscle or re-training correct movement patterns for your chosen sport.
We also use Video Analysis to ensure our athletes can obtain visual feedback to give them the confidence to move correctly and ultimately enable them to perform to the highest calibre in the sporting environment.
Our clinics comprise designated treatment and exercise areas with state of the art equipment. This gives athletes the confidence to practice their sport-specific skills and recover from injury in a secure and controlled environment under the supervision of trained professionals.
At Gold Standard Physiotherapy, we not only enjoy managing injuries but we also love integrating within the local community and actively participating in the club as a whole.
Additional services we offer related to sports physiotherapy include:
Pre-season screening assessments club your
Sport-specific injury talks at
Injury prevention talks
Strength and conditioning talks
Sports Taping seminars
Management of training loads to monitor and prevent overuse injuries
Game day and training session sports coverage
Sourcing braces, tape and protective equipment for your sport
Pre-game strapping
Excellent communication and liaison with coaches regarding modifications to training for injured players
Common sports injuries we see at our clinics include:
Groin, hamstring, calf and quadriceps muscle strains
Sprained ankles
Shoulder impingement
Tennis elbow
Lower back, foot and ankle stress fractures
Shin splints
Sports-related lower back pain
Fractures and dislocations
For more information on the injuries we treat click here
*No doctors referral needed
If you have or know anyone with a sports-related injury give us a call on 8678 3110 (Blacktown) or 4577 7066 (South Windsor) to book your appointment today!
sports physiotherapy
workers compensation
Over 60% of work related injuries are musculoskeletal in nature; that is, joint, ligamentous, muscle or bone related. What does this mean? Physio can get you back from a musculoskeletal injury and working sooner rather than later! If dealing with an injury at work wasn’t enough, there are forms, questionaires and interviews to go through. This is why we pride ourselves on excellent communication between GPs, employers, insurers and rehab consultants to make the process of returning you back to work as smooth as possible.
Common work related injuries we see include:
Lower back pain
Nerve pain
Wrist / hand / finger injuries
Rotator cuff and shoulder injuries
Neck pain and headaches
If you would like to find out more give us a call on 8678 3110 (Blacktown) or 4577 7066 (South Windsor) to book your appointment today!
Having had a motor vehicle accident can be an extremely stressful time. Trying to manage a painful injury while dealing with insurance companies can take it’s toll on anyone.
At Gold Standard Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine, our nurturing physios will endeaver to manage your pain while smoothening the process for you, making the whole ordeal as stress free as possible.
We understand that communication is everything and will be liaising with doctors and insurance companies to make sure that the whole team is on the same page.
Common motor vehicle accident-related injuries we treat include:
Nerve pain
Neck and lower back pain
If you've been in a motor vehicle accident give us a call on 8678 3110 (Blacktown) or 4577 7066 (South Windsor) today.
motor vehicle accidents
dry needling & acupuncture
Dry needling involves the painless insertion of extremely fine needles into certain points of your muscles to achieve a therapeutic effect.
Upon insertion, the needles stimulate the release of chemicals within your tissues which help to reduce pain and inflammation, tension or muscle spasm as well as ‘re-set muscles’ so that when performing rehab exercises they will be a lot more responsive and easier to activate. This increases the effectiveness and efficiency of your rehab program.
All of our therapists are trained to use dry needling which may be used as an adjunct to your treatment program so we can get you back being injury free and worry free sooner rather than later.
Common conditions that dry needling can help with include:
Neck & lower back pain
Shoulder, elbow, and wrist pain
Hip and Knee pain
Foot and ankle pain
Injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents
Work-related injuries
For more information on the injuries that can be treated with acupuncture click here
*No doctors referral needed
If you’ve had an injury and would like to experience the effect of dry needling, give us a call on 8678 3110 (Blacktown) or 4577 7066 (South Windsor) today!
All practitioners at Gold Standard Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine have years of experience in applying casts for our patients. We provide the option of having waterproof casts for the healing of bone fractures in the upper or lower limb which increases its convenience. Our casts are lightweight and waterproof which means you can still go about your day very easily and go swimming if need be.
Cast care education and removal are also provided by our physios as there are a few things you need to know when having a cast put on.
Following casting, muscles and joints tend to get stiff and weak. Physiotherapists at Gold Standard are highly skilled in restoring joint mobility and muscle flexibility upon cast removal to take the hassle out of your fracture rehabilitation.
If you need a cast put on or have any cast-related or fracture management questions, give our friendly team a call on 8678 3110 (Blacktown) or 4577 7066 (South Windsor) today!
Did you know you’re eligible for FREE physiotherapy? Under the Medicare EPC scheme you may be entitled to obtain up to 5 sessions of physiotherapy at no cost. Our clinics bulk bill our EPC patients to make treatment easily accessible for your aches and pains.
To be eligible for FREE physiotherapy under the EPC program you must have a referral from your GP. You may also need to have:
An injury lasting 6 months
Multiple health conditions
For more information on the injuries that can be treated under the EPC scheme click here
If you require further information or want to know if we can help you, call our friendly staff today on 8678 3110 (Blacktown) or 4577 7066 (South Windsor)
At Gold Standard Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine, we regularly treat patients who present following surgery. Our physiotherapists have spent time training in hospitals as well as private clinics gaining a wealth of knowledge and understanding of post surgical rehabilitation while having a close working relationship with leading surgeons all over Sydney.
Our goals following musculoskeletal surgery include:
Swelling control and pain management
Restoration of muscle flexibility and joint mobility
Improving your walking ability and getting rid of your crutches
Restoring your muscle strength and returning muscle bulk so there are no ugly
asymmetries where one muscle is bigger than the other
Returning you back to work, your chosen sport or hobby
Educating you on ways to self manage your injury following your physiotherapy
rehabilitation program to avoid risk of having more surgeries
Improving your quality of life
Following surgery, there is a small window of opportunity to restore your range of motion and function. In order to achieve the best outcomes post surgery, excellent communication between all parties involved is a Must. Our physiotherapists will liaise with your surgeon, GP and insurance company (if applicable) to ensure you achieve the best outcome post surgery.
Examples of common surgeries we provide rehabilitation for include:
Total Hip Replacement
Hip arthroscopy
Groin/Adductor repair
Hip fractures
ACL reconstruction
Total knee replacement
Knee fractures
Knee arthroscopy
Medial and lateral ligament repairs
Patella (kneecap) dislocation
Lower back:
Spinal Fusion
Ankle reconstruction (for torn ligaments)
Achilles Tendon Repair
Plantar Fasciitis release
Ankle & Foot fractures
Rotator cuff repair
Shoulder reconstruction (for torn ligaments following repeated dislocations)
Shoulder replacement
Shoulder fractures
Hand & Wrist:
Carpal Tunnel Release
Tendon repairs
Radial head fractures
Tennis elbow tendon release
Biceps tendon repair
*No doctors referral needed
If you are due to have surgery, or have any post-surgery rehabilitation related questions, give our friendly staff a call on 8678 3110 (Blacktown) or 4577 7066 (South Windsor) today!